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Or, in Japan, Perfect Terminator Agents

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They’re also the only three who even bother to show up for the service. The Alcoholic: Everyone at Nelson Murdock is a heavy drinker. They seem to spend most nights getting drunk at Josie’s, to the point that they rack up a gigantic tab. Foggy explains Matt’s frequent injuries to Karen as him being an alcoholic, which Karen seems to accept for a time. For himself, Foggy is such a hard drinker that Marci smuggles him a bottle of liquor while he’s recuperating from getting shot during the Reyes assassination, and they both sip it straight from the bottle.

Celine Luggage Tote Replica Even before that battle, he makes an off hand comment and boast: „I see through your moves. = Perfectly Trained Assassins. Or, in Japan, Perfect Terminator Agents. Genre Savvy: Everyone, with the exception of Aurum, who doesn’t realise he’s the bad guy until he goes One Winged Angel. Getting Crap Past the Radar: A very small example at the start of the game that some players may miss if one tries to use the Classroom before it’s made available, Plenair will say that „The classroom is closed for now, due to adult situations.“ Girl with Psycho Weapon: Sapphire and her chainsaw in perhaps one of the funniest moments of the game. Celine Luggage Tote Replica

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Celine Outlet Fantastic Noir: The basic concept of the series is to put a Hardboiled Detective in a Sword Sorcery and/or Low Fantasy world. Reviewers have compared Eddie to Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade. That said, the degree to which individual books fit this sub genre can vary a bit Wake of the Bloody Angel, for example, could actually be considered a pirate story. Hardboiled Detective: Eddie is this kind of private investigator, not one in the Holmesian model. Irreverent, jaded, and cynical although not, in the end, as uncaring as he tends to appear. Low Fantasy: The series has elements of this, although people also put it in the Sword Sorcery sub genre (which is typically not considered low fantasy). It probably varies a bit from book to book exactly which label is best. Supernatural elements definitely exist in the series, but they tend to be relatively rare there aren’t wizard flinging fireballs on every page, and the primary antagonists are non magical and human. Mysterious Past: Angelina, the proprietor of the inn above which Eddie has his office (and therefore one of the few recurring characters), doesn’t talk about her past enough so that Eddie’s shorthand for „mind your own business“ is to ask her an innocuous about her own background, reminding her that since he doesn’t pry, nor should she. This lasts until the fourth book, which involves her past in fact, the ship in the book’s title is her namesake. Not So Safe Harbor: Neceda, where Eddie bases himself, is a version of this. It’s a small ish river port rather than a sea port, but has a lot of the same characteristics, with a large population of disreputable passers through looking to get drunk and/or laid. Private Detective: Eddie’s basic source of income. Tracking people down seems to be a major part of it. He also did less detective y mercenary work in the past, but moved away from it. Sword Sorcery: The series is sometimes placed in this sub genre, although it’s sometimes closer to Low Fantasy than other works called sword and sorcery (depending a bit on exactly which book you look at). The protagonist is too cynical and irreverent to be a classic hero, and there’s a definite lack of the kind of glory and honour stuff you might find in conventional High Fantasy Celine Outlet.


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