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So my last two years there were pretty miserable

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Replica Bags On April 10, 2007, The Gold Coast Bulletin published an article titled“Budding stars rise high for film debut“ hyping up the talent of some local teens:TAKE note of these faces because it won’t be long before you could be seeing them on the big screen.Gold Coast teens Christian Radford, Margot Robbie and James Dean have the three lead roles in a feature film, ICU, to be filmed at Broadbeach in July.Robbie’s age is listed as 16 in the article, which accurately corresponds with her reported birthdate of July 2, 1990.We kept digging and found yet another article that corroborates Robbie’s birthdate. On July 11, the The Gold Coast Bulletin published an article titled „The doctor, the lawyer and the executive producer,“ inwhich they reference Robbie as a high school student.The good thing is that both films will showcase local talent including Somerset College students Christian Radford and Margot Robbie.And keeping with that timeline is a Herald Sun article with the headline „Daredevil Neighbour,“which was published on June 27, 2008. It details Robbie’s plans for her upcoming 18th birthday:NEW Neighbours stunner Margot Robbie is making sure her 18th birthday this Wednesday is one to remember.The self confessed daredevil is going to jump out of a plane to celebrate the milestone.She will take advantage of a two week break in filming to go home to the Gold Coast and celebrate the big day with her boyfriend and her best mate.“I have always planned to jump out of a plane on my 18th,“ she said.It should seem pretty clear by now that Robbie isn’t lying about her age, but let’s pretend just for a second that she is.If she was actually born in 1985, it would be absolutely insane to initially pretend to be a 16 year old in 2007, when she would have been 22 Replica Bags.


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