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Swinney! This is crazy!Anyways

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Saturn’s Hexagon

Hey! I work for Dr. Swinney! This is crazy!Anyways, uk moncler sale I think I can answer why he doesn think it applies to large scale flows. moncler outlet store The key word here is „large scale,“ which of course could mean a lot of things. A more precise definition in the context of planetary atmosphere flows is „a flow whose speeds and length scales make it such that moncler sale online the rotation moncler outlet woodbury of the planet has an moncler online store appreciable effect on the flow“ (See: Coriolis effect, Rossby number). Another way to say it is that the timescale of the flows are greater than or equal to the timescale of earth rotation. I could be wrong, but I think the he thinks that this hexagon is actually discount moncler jackets a Rossby wave or some sort of barotropic shear instability and that is something that wouldn Cheap Moncler jackets be seen in a spinning bucket experiment, where it seems like the centripetal force is dominating the pattern formation (not the case in the planet atmosphere). Please correct me moncler sale outlet if I wrong or ask questions if you have moncler outlet any.I took a cheap moncler coats mens few fluid dynamics classes in undergrad. Most of the stuff we learned was scale invariant. For moncler outlet online instance, you could double the pipe diameter, but as long as you also doubled the viscosity or halved the velocity, you cheap moncler sale would get the same flow pattern. (But if you doubled the pipe diameter without changing anything else, you not guaranteed the same flow pattern.)So my guess is that the moncler outlet sale parameters between the two systems (Saturn and the buckets) aren in the right ratios to claim there any similarity between the systems. Anyhow, the concept can easily be applied small scale, but they explained that on Saturn, there would be significantly different conditions affecting how the phenomenon would hold together large scale. There moncler outlet prices was problems with some type of forces being able to maintain the flow (this is an atmospheric condition from I can remember, affecting the clouds and such). In any structure, simple squares are more likely to collapse on their braces, which is why triangles are always a feature of construction. cheap moncler jackets Not cheap moncler jackets womens sure about hexagons specifically, or why they moncler usa don do little trianglesmaybe because the honey would spill out.EDIT: I got an answer from my apiarist uk moncler outlet friend: he says that he read best moncler jackets some theories on moncler womens jackets the matter, but the best one that he can buy into moncler uk outlet is that cheap moncler jackets mens (given equal sides) hexagons hold a greater area than squares, triangles, or any other shape could, while still being stackable and leaving fewer empty moncler sale spaces, since that would require a larger secretion of wax.

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