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Elderly women are particularly likely to get shocked probably

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Replica Hermes Forcing people to go barefoot has been used as a relatively effortless and more subtle form of humiliation in most past and present civilized cultures, primarily using the visual contrast to the standard form of appearance while also creating some level of physical discomfort. The exposure of bare feet often served as an indicator for imprisonment and slavery throughout ancient as well as modern history.[7] Even today prisoners officially have to go barefoot in many countries of the world and are also presented in court and showcased to the public unshod.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14] As shoes are commonly worn by all social classes since antiquity in most civilized societies, showcasing a captive to the public in bare feet traditionally symbolizes the person’s loss of social standing and personal autonomy. It usually also causes a considerable degree of humiliation, as this noticeable detail typically sets the prisoner apart from spectators visually and demonstrates the person’s vulnerability and general powerlessness Replica Hermes.


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