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She was curious, like most three year olds, and particularly

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Another Farm Nostalgia StoryAmericans are often nostalgic about early farm life, yet canada goose uk shop discount some of the ever present dangers it can present. Along with the livestock, there are many other critters making their homes in the canadian goose jacket fields, including some with rabies. Canada Goose Coats On Sale Here is another true story set at the farmhouse cheap canada goose uk my father was born at in the Great Depression.

Canada Goose Jackets After my father left farming for an engineering occupation, my Uncle Don and Grandma still tended to the farm which had Canada Goose Parka been in the family since the 1850s. Grandpa died when I was but a wee toddler and, sadly, I remember him not at all. But I fondly remember summers spent at the farm as they were Canada Goose Online a real highlight for me growing cheap Canada Goose up. Canada Goose Jackets

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Curiosity got the catAs I said, Sis was intrigued by the cats on the farm. Mom was allergic to cats, so we never had any at our house and so right away Sis spent a lot of time with them. buy canada goose jacket And, of course, a pre school child is pretty adventurous and not always cautious enough.

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Canada Goose Outlet I can tell you know where this is going. Sis put her hand under the steps to pet the little „kitten“, but found out quickly it was not a kitten when it sank its teeth into her hand! It was a cornered and extremely frightened ground squirrel! Sis immediately started hollering and we who were in the vicinity came running. There was such a commotion, it made my head spin! Canada Goose Outlet

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Canada Goose sale Off to the doctorUncle Don and Dad then loaded Sis into the truck to go to office of the local doctor in a nearby town. Obviously, the doctor would have to assess the wound, which broke the skin. Then the doctor cleaned the wound and disinfected it. Dad remembers the doctor giving Sis a precautionary rabies shot until lab results could confirm the health of the ground squirrel. Canada Goose sale

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cheap Canada Goose A day or two later, the lab results came in to my anxious Grandmother on the phone. No rabies or other diseases! The squirrel, although being too much of a slowpoke to avoid the cat, was fine healthwise. Needless to say, we all breathed a collective Canada Goose sale sigh of relief! My sister was spared a prolonged and canada goose store painfulrabies treatment! cheap Canada Goose

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A forth on is Farm Life During the Prohibition.

Canada Goose online The response of readers to these stories touched me personally and readers havecontinued to ask for canada goose coats more stories! So nowI regularly call Dad so he can continue relating these stories and I will continue to publish them as he does. Thanks for reading! Laura in Denver Canada Goose online.


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