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They complete shit here. I go thru 2 3 modems a year due to lightning strikes (modem, computer, everything is thru a UPS, meaning it frying it thru the cable line itself), i spend at least 2 weeks a year with spotty internet at best being told „they see nothing wrong“ only to finally get someone out who, without fail , will find unstable signal tied to water getting in the main lines thanks to squirrels chewing thru the rubber or trees rubbing against it. My favorite though is calling about my internet being down, being told it looks fine by someone who barely speaks english, that they send a refresh, unplugging the modem entirely, and them saying it still looks fine.if i had ANY other option that wasn satellite (unrealistic given it rains 2/3rds of the year in florida) or abysmal speed DSL i jump on it in a heartbeat, but comcast is the only provider in my area, yet 5 miles down the road time warner is the only option :thinking: 1 point submitted 3 months agoLast time I had Comcast was back around the early days of this game.

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